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An event is a way to emit notifications, send webhooks, or trigger tasks as a result of a workspace event.

Events consist of 2 pieces:

  1. a set of event selectors or filters (e.g. which event actions, for which blocks)
  2. a set of targets that serve as a reaction to those events (e.g. slack notification, webhook, etc.)

Environment Events

Currently, Nullstone supports configuring events on an environment. To view and manage these events, navigate to an environment in the Nullstone UI and switch to the "Events" tab.

Managed By

In the Events listing in the UI, you may see a repository listed under "Managed By" column. This indicates that the event is configured by an IaC file in that repository. While you may add events in the UI, you cannot modify these events except through that IaC file. This is to prevent confusion where a user may change the event in the UI and a GitOps synchronization reverts the value back to what is defined in the IaC files.