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Code Deployment

To deploy the code for your applications, Nullstone provides 3 different options.

  1. Automatic Deployment

Nullstone will automatically build and deploy your application when you push any commits to a branch in your repo. This is a great way to get started with a new application or an app that doesn't require testing before deployment. For production scenarios, we recommend using a custom CI/CD workflow.

For specific instructions, checkout the guide.

  1. Custom CI/CD Workflow

Plug in your own CI/CD system. This allows you to run your test suite and request release approvals before deployment. At the point in your release workflow where you are ready to deploy to your environment, simply add the nullstone launch CLI command.

For specific instructions and tools, check out the guides for each CI/CD system:

  1. Using CLI

The Nullstone CLI provides a single command that can be used to deploy your application code. This can be useful for one-off deployments or use it to build out your custom deployment system. No matter what type of application you are deploying, the command is the same.

# For container applications (including containerized serverless)
nullstone launch --source=container-name --app=app-name --env=env-name

# For static sites
nullstone launch --source=directory-name --app=app-name --env=env-name

# For serverless applications using zip files
nullstone launch --source=zip-filename --app=app-name --env=env-name
# For container applications (including containerized serverless)
nullstone launch --source=container-name --app=app-name --env=env-name

# For static sites
nullstone launch --source=directory-name --app=app-name --env=env-name

# For serverless applications using zip files
nullstone launch --source=zip-filename --app=app-name --env=env-name