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vpc_id - string

The ID of the VPC.

vpc_cidr - string

The IP Range for the VPC.

A CIDR represents an IP range as a starting address and network mask.

Format: a.b.c.d/[mask]

private_cidrs - list(string)

A list of IP Ranges that are used to allocate IP Addresses in public subnets.

Devices in the private subnet rely on a NAT Gateway to reach the internet. The internet cannot directly access devices in private subnets.

private_subnet_ids - list(string)

A list of IDs for private subnets.

Devices in the private subnet rely on a NAT Gateway to reach the internet. The internet cannot directly access devices in private subnets.

public_cidrs - list(string)

A list of IP Ranges that are used to allocate IP Addresses in public subnets.

Devices in the public subnet have direct access to the internet using an Internet Gateway. The internet can directly access devices in public subnets.

public_subnet_ids - list(string)

A list of IDs for public subnets.

Devices in the public subnet have direct access to the internet using an Internet Gateway. The internet can directly access devices in public subnets.