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blocks top-level element



The module attribute refers to a Nullstone module that is registered in the Nullstone registry.

  • In .nullstone/config.yml, module is required for every defined application.
  • In overrides files, module is optional and alters the chosen module.

The vars and connections schema is loaded from the chosen module. Validation is performed using this schema in the vars and connections section.


The module_version attribute allows selection of a specific published version to the module registry. If this value is not specified, module_version will default to "latest". Nullstone will look up the latest published version of the module in the registry based on semver.

When the effective module version changes, the module schema is pulled from the registry to validate vars and connections.


The vars section is used to provide configuration for this block. The available variables are based on the selected module/module_version. To view a list of available variables for a module version, visit the "Inputs" tab for a module version in the registry. (Example: nullstone/aws-network@0.7.8)

If a variable does not have a default value defined in the registry, the variable must be specified. This value can be specified in either .nullstone/config.yml or and overrides file.


The connections section is used to connect one block to another block. A block uses connections to gain critical information for infrastructure configuration from a dependent block.

Normally, a human would need to provide this configuration through specific values that are specific to the cloud provider or platform. For example, a Kubernetes app needs to know which Kubernetes cluster and which namespace to provision infrastructure.

The Kubernetes app module has a cluster-namespace connection that allows Nullstone to inject the correct cluster information based on the environment (e.g. dev, prod, etc.).

A connection reference is a "pointer" to a Nullstone block by name. In the example below, the "cluster-namespace" connection is defined in the nullstone/aws-fargate-service module and refers to the "namespace0" cluster-namespace block.

    module: nullstone/aws-fargate-service
      cluster-namespace: namespace0 # namespace0 refers to the cluster-namespace block defined below 

    # ...

A connection reference may refer to a Nullstone block in another stack. The format for this is <stack-name>.<block-name>.

      domain: global.acme-domain # refers to a domain created in the "global" stack